Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 1, 2009

Zoe loves Puzzle. She likes to crawl after Puzzle around the room. She actually turns her head to look for Puzzle when I ask "where is Puzzle". She'll probably know how to say "Puzzle" before she says anything else! When Puzzle comes over, Zoe laughs out loud and touches Puzzle's fur. Puzzle doesn't mind the attention except when Zoe climbs into her bed. She just leaves displeased...

Puzzle discovered that Zoe is clumsy when she eats so now she hangs out around the high chair at feeding times. I'm sure that Zoe will soon realize that she can drop food for Puzzle. Troubles coming!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

Today was a big day! Zoe stood on her own at a musical activity table she likes to play with. She also figured out how to open a little green drawer in the table.

For the last couple of days, Zoe has been trying to pull herself up in her crib. Today she did it!

It's amazing how quickly she's growing up.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 24th 2008

Zoe had a cold this week but she's doing better today. She refuses to nap in the morning at the daycare for some unknown reason... She sleeps well in the afternoon so we're not too worried about it.

The tooth is slowly coming out. Fortunately, she's not too bothered with it.

The weather has been very nice so we've been walking with her and Puzzle a lot.

Zoe is starting to pull herself up in the crib and can stand for a minute or so when holding to the railing.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 18th 2009

Today, Zoe is 8 months old. Yeahhhhh!!!!

Her teeth are coming out, or at least one tooth is appearing on the lower left side of her mouth. We could feel something hard and sharp when we passed a finger on her gum, yesterday. She is not fussing too much about it, but she certainly doesn't sleep as well as she used too.

She is also learning to master the sippy cup. She is much better at getting a drink when she is lying on her back.

Today was very sunny, and poor Zoe didn't like it. This was way to hard on her darkness-trained eyes. Oh, well, the sun won't last.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14th 2009

Today, Zoe reached a new milestone. She sat up to play with her toy. She also stood for several seconds, holding herself to the edge of a piece of furniture. (Her mother was closely behind, ready to catch her if she fell).
She has been sleeping better in the last few days. Hopefully, this pattern lasts.
We continue our exploration of new flavors: this week Zoe tried zucchinis (didn't like them so much). Bananas remain her all-time favorites. Green beans are the worst.

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 1st 2009

Happy New Year!

Over the Holidays, Zoe discovered the joy of crawling. She zooms toward anything interesting: Puzzle water bowl, Puzzle, anything electrical...

The worried parents keep a vigilent eye on their mobile daughter.

December 26th 2008

Merry Christmas!

It snowed heavily for the two weeks before Christmas.

Fabrice's sister and her family arrived on the 20th. Zoe met her aunt Emmanuelle, uncle Thierry and her cousins Marianne and Mathilde for the first time.

With most of the city snowed in, we are having difficulties driving around, but we still manage to have fun.
We made a snowman, went to the Seattle aquarium and Pike Place market.

The three cousins seem to like each other a lot.